Programming for Information Professionals

UNC SILS, INLS 560, Fall 2024

How to Succeed in This Course

Put in the work

Programming is something you do, not just something you know. To learn it, you need to spend time on your own trying things out in your own editor. You should plan on spending around four hours per week doing this, outside of class time.

Attend class meetings

Class meetings can be attended in person or via Zoom. You are encouraged to attend in person, but Zoom attendance is an option as a backup plan for when buses don’t show up or you are feeling contagious.

Communicate about problems

If an unexpected problem arises for you during the course of the semester (serious illness, etc.), please let me know so that we can discuss an appropriate plan.

If you have a documented disability or medical condition, make sure to contact Accessibility Resources and Service.

If you are experiencing mental health issues, contact Counseling and Psychological Services.

If you are experiencing discrimination, harassment, violence or exploitation of any kind, see the resources listed here or

Evaluation & Grading

Course grades will be determined as follows:

Percentage Aspect
5% Participation
50% Ten assignments
15% Mid-semester 1-on-1 evaluation
30% End-of-semester 1-on-1 evaluation

For graduate students, percentage points will be converted to letter grades as follows:

100-95: H
 94-80: P
 79-70: L
  < 70: F

For undergraduate students, percentage points will be converted to letter grades as follows:

100-95: A
 94-91: A-
 90-88: B+
 87-85: B
 84-81: B-
 80-78: C+
 77-75: C
 74-71: C-
 70-68: D+
 67-60: D
  < 60: F

See the UNC Catalog for definitions of these letter grades.


Participation in this course will be evaluated on the basis of:

  • active in-person participation in class meetings
  • activity (asking and answering questions, contributing tips, making suggestions, etc.) in our Zulip chatroom

To get full points for participation you need to participate either in-person or online. (You can do both, of course, but you don’t need to do both.)

Communicating with me

Zulip chat is the best way to communicate with me outside of class.

If you have a question about course content (Python, VS Code, GitHub, etc.) or administration (deadlines, schedule changes, assignment clarifications, etc.), post your question to the appropriate Zulip stream, so that others can benefit from the answer (or can answer it themselves).

If you need to discuss a personal matter, send a direct message in Zulip, or email me.

If you want face-to-face assistance with understanding a concept or completing an assignment, make an appointment for my office hours.

If you have questions about how an assignment was evaluated, then you must make an office hours appointment. I will not discuss your grades or my evaluation of your work via email or direct message.

Honor Code

You are expected to know and respect UNC Honor Code. Collaboration, discussion, and seeking assistance from other students is encouraged in this class and is not inconsistent with the Honor Code. In the case of written work, all words drawn from others must be attributed appropriately.