Foundations of Information Science

UNC SILS, INLS 201, Spring 2024

Report from the real world

Each week in recitation, 3–4 students will be responsible for starting discussion of that week’s topic by presenting a brief report “from the real world.” Preparing the report might involve interviewing someone, trying out a new (to you) technology, documenting a physical object, or observing people’s behavior.

Midterm exam 1

February 28.

Midterm exam 1 will be given in class during our regular lecture time on Wednesday, February 28, 9:05–9:55am.

Midterm exam 2

April 3.

Midterm exam 2 will be given in class during our regular lecture time on Wednesday, April 3, 9:05–9:55am.

Final exam

May 2.

The final exam will be given on Thursday, May 2, 12:00–3:00pm through Canvas. You may take it at home (or anywhere else you choose, as long as you have stable Internet access).